搜索 Joanie

  • 孤独但并不孤独HD
  • 孤单但并不孤独HD
    ALONE YET NOT ALONE is based on an inspiring true story taken from a novel of the same name written by Tracy Leininger Craven and depicts a family at a critical juncture in America's history.Fleeing religious persecution in Germany, the Leininger family seeks a new start in uncharted country - America. It is the mid-17…
  • 龙卷风和卡拉哈里马语者HD
    本片由真实事件改编,讲述了一个关于耐心、恒心以及激情的故事。皮埃尔无意间遇到了一匹感情上深受折磨的骏马“龙卷风”。皮埃尔察觉到龙卷风实际上深具天赋,于是他长途跋涉到卡拉哈里沙漠,寻找传说中的马语者巴里·伯格帮忙。在巴里的指引下,皮埃尔和龙卷风踏上了一条自我救赎之路,他们的生活从此彻底改变 。