搜索 Cacho

  • In 1974, the Portuguese and their descendants fled Angola where nationalist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a Portuguese soldier. Then, a Portuguese squad is barracked inside a wall from which they will have to escape once the past come…
  • 年轻骄纵的卡蒂娜遇见了权倾一时的安德烈亚索将军。安德烈亚索风流成性,在外恶名昭彰,他见到卡蒂娜时惊为天人,立刻约她去看美丽大海,并趁机和她发生了关系。初嚐人事滋味的卡蒂娜,于是开始摸索自我的欲求,她想以身体驾驭安德烈旺盛的欲望。
  • 一个清晨,警察们发现了一个可怕的罪案现场。一具尸体被遗弃在波哥大郊外一个美丽湖波的岸边。为了侦破此案,记者Victor Si-lampa(Daniel Giménez Cacho) 和他的搭档Emir Estupiñán (César Mora)被带进了一个离奇,但又感性有趣的故事里。在与负责此案的上校的一些交易,和一个年轻妓女Quica (Martina García)的帮助…