搜索 黄哲明

  • 下辈子我再好好过HD
      Hyun-jun, a musical actor, makes his mind to go abroad for further study. He returns to his hometown where he meets his cousin So-yeon. After getting a taste of the countryside with her, So-yeon makes the unexpected confession that she h…
  • 结束吧HD
  • 牵牛花HD
    文革时期,九岁的小兔(金道鑫鑫 饰)因患梦游症,被妈妈送到乡下的舅爷(陈多 饰)家,托他帮忙用中医治疗。村口有个叫水船(常戎 饰)的恶人贪恋舅爷女儿莲子(张蒙晰 饰)的美色,却常常无端欺负小兔。一日,小兔发现好友水珠子的妈妈跟水船进了苇荡深处,他忍隐不语。后来水珠子被送到县城学戏,临走送一只黑龟给小兔,却被水船掳走。莲子在…
  • 喇叭花HD
    Hyun-jun, a musical actor, makes his mind to go abroad for further study. He returns to his hometown where he meets his cousin So-yeon. After getting a taste of the countryside with her, So-yeon makes the unexpected confession that she has loved him for a long time. 
  • 牵牛花 (2012)HD
  • Hyun-jun, a musical actor, makes his mind to go abroad for further study. He returns to his hometown where he meets his cousin So-yeon. After getting a taste of the countryside with her, So-yeon makes the unexpected confession that she has loved him for a long time.Hyun-jun, a musical actor, makes his mind to go abroad…