搜索 Mok

  • 清真之恋HD
    Four tragicomic interconnected stories about how devoted Muslim men and women are trying to manage their love life and desires without breaking any religious rules.
  • Four tragicomic interconnected stories about how devoted Muslim men and women are trying to manage their love life and desires without breaking any religious rules.
  • 很久很久以前,狼人部落没有女人。所有的男性狼人通过袭击和XX女性人类的方式来延续他们的物种。但狼人部落有一个可怕的传说,每一百年,在一个红色的月亮的夜晚,一个小女孩将会出生,她注定会消灭狼人部落。这些好色的男性狼人对女性产生恐惧感,他们在女婴出生后不久就会杀死她们。但是,只有可爱的Beniko逃过了这可怕的命运。  
  • 顽皮鬼5HD
  • 顽皮鬼4HD
    At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy and funny haunting incidents and scenes involving a lot of people running away from pursuing ghosts.
  • 顽皮鬼3HD
  • 顽皮鬼2HD
    Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control and handle the situation which finally brings up a hilarious haunting story.
  • 如履薄冰HD
    米基(格雷戈·金尼尔 Greg Kinnear 饰)是一位保险推销员,凭借着他的三寸不烂之舌,米基很快就在业内为自己打下了坚实的基础,很显然,目前的那一点蝇头小利早已经满足不了米基日渐扩大的胃口了,他正在积极寻找能够令他一步登天的机会。                    …
  • 虫虫欲动HD
  • 一群贵族高级中学的孩子经营着一个cheng人聊天室,在那儿他们通过毒品直播性爱派对,向互联网上的付费观众直播。 他们几乎不知道有一个杀人狂热者正在执行消除犯罪网络的任务。 nbsp;