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  • Set in 790AD, Vikingane meijubar.net features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "It's the story of people from our time, but living during the Viking era. Of course everyday choices have far more drama…
  • 故事发生在公元790年,Vikingane meijubar.net以生活在维京小村中的人们的日常挑战为背景,从权力斗争、兄弟争斗、性别平等到背叛和友谊。“这是我们这个时代的人的故事,但生活在维京时代。当然,日常生活中的选择会产生更多戏剧性的后果,这也造就了伟大的喜剧素材
  • Set in 790AD, Vikingane features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "It's the story of people from our time, but living during the Viking era. Of course everyday choices have far more dramatic consequen…
  • 无辜者2021HD
    沃格特(Vogt)撰写并导演了有关四个孩子(6至12岁)的故事,而这件事引起了父母的注意,而他们的无辜玩耍又变成了其他事情。电影制作团队写道:“神奇而令人毛骨悚然的事情开始发生。《无辜者》是一部成人电影,讲述了进入儿童秘密世界的令人震惊的旅程。”  本片由Maria Ekerhovd Mer Film发行。
  • 浴血关系HD
    In the Blood, the portrait of a medical student in his 20s and his experiences in what will bee the defining summer of his life.
  • 查理说HD
    基于Karlene Faith 所著纪实文学《The Long Prison Journey of Leslie van Houten: Life Beyond The Cult》和Ed Sanders所著小说《The Family》,讲述在震惊世界的曼森谋杀案发生后,三位曼森家族的成员Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel和Susan Atkins被判终身监禁,研究生Faith被派去监狱对她们…