搜索 萨姆·阿耶尔斯

  •   迈阿密警局的一对“黄金”搭档,顾家爱妻的好男人宾纳(马丁•劳伦斯)和衣着光鲜风流倜傥的富家子弟劳瑞(威尔•史密斯),奉命追查一桩价值上亿美元的毒品证物失窃案,如果不能及时完成任务,他俩就得卷铺盖走人。在两人疲于奔命之际,该案件唯一的性感女证人打电话到警局声称她愿意指认主谋,但条件是劳瑞必须出面保护她,否则一切免谈,…
  • 大众教育HD
    Levi Collins is set to go to the local University on a tennis scholarship, but he forgot to tell his parents one thing - he didn't graduate. As a result, he must take summer school before his mom and dad discover he's failed senior science. At school, Levi falls in love with his classmate, Katie, and learns that he has…