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  • 死刑之病HD
    白石和弥将改编拍摄櫛木理宇话题小说《死刑之病》。阿部隆史,冈田健史出演!  故事讲述了没有进入理想大学的雅也,收到了一份来自死刑犯的信。死刑犯榛村一共涉及了24起杀人案件,其中9起已经立案起诉,等待死刑的榛村表示,自己一直在雅也生活的城市进行犯罪,不过最后一个案件时冤案,希望雅也能够帮他调查。故事就这样开始了。阿部隆史扮…
  • 鬼妓回忆录HD
    In the Nineteenth Century, in Japan, the American journalist Christopher is traveling through the country searching Komomo, the missing love of his life that he had abandoned years ago promising to come back to her later. He arrives in a shadowy island inhabited by whores and caftans, where he has an encounter with a d…